NPT Communities for Work Plus are here to assist you with issues you may need help with, such as:
C.V. writing
Training opportunities
Interview techniques
Confidence building
Online job searching and filling in application forms
Benefits advice
We can also help to break down any barriers you are facing, which are preventing you from accessing employment and training opportunities. Such as:
Childcare costs: if you need to attend a training course, interview or placement and need help with covering the costs of childcare;
Travel Costs: to attend training courses, interviews, or placements, and we can help with the costs of getting you there;
Clothing costs: so you feel well-dressed and confident enough to attend interviews, placements or to start work, we can help with the cost of buying you something smart to wear;
Personal Protective Equipment: if you need items like safety boots or waterproof clothing for attending a course or placement, we can pay for these for you.