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NPT Communities for Work Plus are here to assist you with issues you may need help with, such as:

  • C.V. writing

  • Training opportunities

  • Interview techniques

  • Confidence building

  • Online job searching and filling in application forms

  • Employability

  • Benefits advice


We can also help to break down any barriers you are facing, which are preventing you from accessing employment and training opportunities. Such as:


Childcare costs: if you need to attend a training course, interview or placement and need help with covering the costs of childcare;

Travel Costs: to attend training courses, interviews, or placements, and we can help with the costs of getting you there;


Clothing costs: so you feel well-dressed and confident enough to attend interviews, placements or to start work, we can help with the cost of buying you something smart to wear;


Personal Protective Equipment: if you need items like safety boots or waterproof clothing for attending a course or placement, we can pay for these for you.

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